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Legend (Projekty/e1mil_h)

Borehole and spring (0)
Borehole with yield >= 25 l/s Borehole with yield >= 25 l/s
Cold spring with yield >= 25 l/s Cold spring with yield >= 25 l/s
Hot spring with yield >= 25 l/s Hot spring with yield >= 25 l/s
Main basin surface water divide (2)
Main basin area (12)
Fault (3)
Caldera observed Caldera observed
Fault observed Fault observed
Aquifer boundary (4)
Observed boundary Observed boundary
Aquifer in regolith (5)
Lithology type (6)
Fissured and karst aquifers in sedimentary rocks – sandstone, conglomerate and limestone Fissured and karst aquifers in sedimentary rocks – sandstone, conglomerate and limestone
Fissured aquifers in volcanic rocks – basalt, trachyte and rhyolite with pyroclastic and volcaniclastic deposits Fissured aquifers in volcanic rocks – basalt, trachyte and rhyolite with pyroclastic and volcaniclastic deposits
Aquifer type (7)
Highly productive regional aquifers – T (10–100) m2/d, q (1–10) l/s.m, Q (5–25) l/s for wells and/or springs – or locally extremely productive aquifers in which flow is mainly intergranular Highly productive regional aquifers – T (10–100) m2/d, q (1–10) l/s.m, Q (5–25) l/s for wells and/or springs – or locally extremely productive aquifers in which flow is mainly intergranular
Moderately productive regional aquifers – T (1–10] m2/d, q (0.01–1] l/s.m, Q (0.5–5] l/s for wells and/or springs – or locally highly productive aquifers in which flow is mainly intergranular Moderately productive regional aquifers – T (1–10] m2/d, q (0.01–1] l/s.m, Q (0.5–5] l/s for wells and/or springs – or locally highly productive aquifers in which flow is mainly intergranular
Highly productive regional aquifers – T (10–100) m2/d, q (1–10) l/s.m, Q (5–25) l/s for wells and/or springs – or locally extremely productive aquifers in which flow is mainly through regularly developed system of fissures of volcanic and sedimentary rocks and karst openings Highly productive regional aquifers – T (10–100) m2/d, q (1–10) l/s.m, Q (5–25) l/s for wells and/or springs – or locally extremely productive aquifers in which flow is mainly through regularly developed system of fissures of volcanic and sedimentary rocks and karst openings
Moderately productive regional aquifers – T (1–10] m2/d, q (0.01–1] l/s.m, Q (0.5–5] l/s for wells and/or springs – or locally highly productive aquifers in which flow is mainly through regularly developed system of fissures and joints of sedimentary and volcanic rocks Moderately productive regional aquifers – T (1–10] m2/d, q (0.01–1] l/s.m, Q (0.5–5] l/s for wells and/or springs – or locally highly productive aquifers in which flow is mainly through regularly developed system of fissures and joints of sedimentary and volcanic rocks
Low productive fissured regional aquifers – T [0.1–1] m2/d, q [0.001–0.01] l/s.m, Q [0.05–0.5] l/s for wells and/or springs – in which flow is mainly developed in irregular system of fissures and weathered mantle of metamorphic and igneous rocks – hard rocks Low productive fissured regional aquifers – T [0.1–1] m2/d, q [0.001–0.01] l/s.m, Q [0.05–0.5] l/s for wells and/or springs – in which flow is mainly developed in irregular system of fissures and weathered mantle of metamorphic and igneous rocks – hard rocks
Aquitards – Minor aquifers with local and limited groundwater resources – T < 0.1 m2/d, q < 0.001 l/s.m, Q < 0.05 l/s Aquitards – Minor aquifers with local and limited groundwater resources – T < 0.1 m2/d, q < 0.001 l/s.m, Q < 0.05 l/s
Aquicludes formation with essentially no groundwater resources (aquifuge, solid rocks/blind rocks) Aquicludes formation with essentially no groundwater resources (aquifuge, solid rocks/blind rocks)
Moderately productive regional aquifers – T (1–10) m2/d, q (0.01–1) l/s.m, Q (0.5–5) l/s for wells and/or springs – or locally highly productive aquifers with alternating layers of fissured and intergranular permeability (aquifers with mixed permeability) Moderately productive regional aquifers – T (1–10) m2/d, q (0.01–1) l/s.m, Q (0.5–5) l/s for wells and/or springs – or locally highly productive aquifers with alternating layers of fissured and intergranular permeability (aquifers with mixed permeability)
Boundary of Ethiopia (8)
River (10)
Water area (11)