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Legend (Projekty/e1mil_g)

Paleontologically determinated age (0)
Early hominid sites Early hominid sites
Paleontologically determined age Paleontologically determined age
Approximate geochronological age (1)
Volcanic crater (2)
Fault (4)
Fault observed Fault observed
Fault covered Fault covered
Mylonitization Mylonitization
Caldera observed Caldera observed
Lithological boundary (5)
Observed boundary Observed boundary
Regolith (deeply weathered rock) (6)
Lithology (7)
Biotite to amphibole-biotite granites to granodiorites Biotite to amphibole-biotite granites to granodiorites
Alluvial sediments Alluvial sediments
Biotite migmatites Biotite migmatites
Metadiorites, metatonalites, metagabbros and metaperidotites Metadiorites, metatonalites, metagabbros and metaperidotites
Greenschists and amphibolites with minor serpentinized peridotites Greenschists and amphibolites with minor serpentinized peridotites
Biotite gneisses with minor amphibolites Biotite gneisses with minor amphibolites
Biotite paragneisses with amphibolites, calc-silicate rocks, marbles and mica-schists Biotite paragneisses with amphibolites, calc-silicate rocks, marbles and mica-schists
Basalt to trachyte lavas and volcaniclastic deposits Basalt to trachyte lavas and volcaniclastic deposits
Granulites and minor (ultra)mafic rocks Granulites and minor (ultra)mafic rocks
Eolian sediments Eolian sediments
Migmatized biotite paragneisses Migmatized biotite paragneisses
Fluvial sediments Fluvial sediments
Marbles and calc-silicate rocks Marbles and calc-silicate rocks
Evaporites (gypsum) Evaporites (gypsum)
Serpentinized peridotites Serpentinized peridotites
Sandstones Sandstones
Talc and actinolite schists, metabasites and serpentinites Talc and actinolite schists, metabasites and serpentinites
Basalt to trachyte lavas and volcaniclastic deposits Basalt to trachyte lavas and volcaniclastic deposits
Basalt to trachybasalt lavas and volcaniclastic deposits Basalt to trachybasalt lavas and volcaniclastic deposits
Volcaniclastic deposits, alluvial and lacustrine sediments Volcaniclastic deposits, alluvial and lacustrine sediments
Basalt and alkali basalt lavas and volcaniclastic deposits Basalt and alkali basalt lavas and volcaniclastic deposits
Basalt to trachyte lavas and volcaniclastic deposits Basalt to trachyte lavas and volcaniclastic deposits
Trachyte to rhyolite lavas and felsic volcaniclastic deposits Trachyte to rhyolite lavas and felsic volcaniclastic deposits
Mica-schists with minor amphibolites and gneisses Mica-schists with minor amphibolites and gneisses
Alluvial sediments Alluvial sediments
Marlstones, shales Marlstones, shales
Migmatized orthogneisses Migmatized orthogneisses
Porphyritic biotite granites Porphyritic biotite granites
Limestones interbedded with shales and sandstones Limestones interbedded with shales and sandstones
Leucocratic migmatites Leucocratic migmatites
Limestones Limestones
Lacustrine sediments Lacustrine sediments
Diorites and gabbros Diorites and gabbros
Biotite to amphibole-biotite tonalites Biotite to amphibole-biotite tonalites
Leucocratic coarse-grained granites Leucocratic coarse-grained granites
Limestones, minor marlstones, sandstones, evaporites (gypsum) Limestones, minor marlstones, sandstones, evaporites (gypsum)
Evaporites (gypsum), limestones, dolostones, marlstones Evaporites (gypsum), limestones, dolostones, marlstones
Biotite to amphibole-biotite syenites Biotite to amphibole-biotite syenites
Rhyolitic to trachytic volcaniclastic deposits with subordinate felsic lavas Rhyolitic to trachytic volcaniclastic deposits with subordinate felsic lavas
Sandstones Sandstones
Metagranites and orthogneisses Metagranites and orthogneisses
Trachyte to trachybasalt lavas with subordinate volcaniclastic deposits Trachyte to trachybasalt lavas with subordinate volcaniclastic deposits
Basalt lavas and volcaniclastic deposits Basalt lavas and volcaniclastic deposits
Sandstones, minor conglomerates, siltstones Sandstones, minor conglomerates, siltstones
Sandstones, diamictites Sandstones, diamictites
Rhyolite to trachyte lavas and volcaniclastic deposits Rhyolite to trachyte lavas and volcaniclastic deposits
Rhyolitic to trachytic volcaniclastic deposits Rhyolitic to trachytic volcaniclastic deposits
Evaporites (gypsum, anhydrite), chert Evaporites (gypsum, anhydrite), chert
Rhyolitic volcaniclastic deposits with subordinate trachyte to basalt lavas Rhyolitic volcaniclastic deposits with subordinate trachyte to basalt lavas
Rhyolite lavas, subordinate trachyte lava and volcaniclastic deposits Rhyolite lavas, subordinate trachyte lava and volcaniclastic deposits
Basalt lavas with rare intercalations of rhyolites and pyroclastic rocks Basalt lavas with rare intercalations of rhyolites and pyroclastic rocks
Limestones Limestones
Alluvial, lacustrine sediments and volcaniclastic deposits Alluvial, lacustrine sediments and volcaniclastic deposits
Evaporites (gypsum), sandstones Evaporites (gypsum), sandstones
Trachyte, alkali basalt, with subordinate rhyolite lavas and volcaniclastic deposits Trachyte, alkali basalt, with subordinate rhyolite lavas and volcaniclastic deposits
Limestones, marlstones Limestones, marlstones
Rhyolitic volcaniclastic deposits, scarce rhyolite and basalt lavas Rhyolitic volcaniclastic deposits, scarce rhyolite and basalt lavas
Basalt, picrite and trachyte lavas and volcaniclastic deposits Basalt, picrite and trachyte lavas and volcaniclastic deposits
Metavolcanosedimentary sequences (undifferentiated) Metavolcanosedimentary sequences (undifferentiated)
Limestones Limestones
Trachyte to alkali basalt lavas and volcaniclastic deposits Trachyte to alkali basalt lavas and volcaniclastic deposits
Rhyolitic to trachytic volcaniclastic deposits, with subordinate rhyolites Rhyolitic to trachytic volcaniclastic deposits, with subordinate rhyolites
Sandstones interbedded with evaporites and carbonates Sandstones interbedded with evaporites and carbonates
Phyllites and graphitic schists Phyllites and graphitic schists
Basalt, picritic basalt, alkaline basalt lavas and volcaniclastic deposits Basalt, picritic basalt, alkaline basalt lavas and volcaniclastic deposits
Rhyolite, trachyte lavas and volcaniclastic deposits Rhyolite, trachyte lavas and volcaniclastic deposits
Undifferentiated mafic and felsic lavas and volcaniclastic deposits Undifferentiated mafic and felsic lavas and volcaniclastic deposits
Limestones Limestones
Basalt lavas, hyaloclastite deposits Basalt lavas, hyaloclastite deposits
Metavolcanites (undifferentiated) Metavolcanites (undifferentiated)
Peralkaline granites and syenites Peralkaline granites and syenites
Fluvial and lacustrine sediments with intercalations of basalt or rhyolite lavas and volcaniclastic deposits Fluvial and lacustrine sediments with intercalations of basalt or rhyolite lavas and volcaniclastic deposits
Limestones and dolomitic limestones Limestones and dolomitic limestones
Intermediate to felsic metavolcanites (undifferentiated) Intermediate to felsic metavolcanites (undifferentiated)
Conglomerates, sandstones and volcaniclastic deposits Conglomerates, sandstones and volcaniclastic deposits
Slates interbeded with black and dolomitic limestones Slates interbeded with black and dolomitic limestones
Mudstones, shales Mudstones, shales
Phyllites, metagraywackes and metaconglomerates Phyllites, metagraywackes and metaconglomerates
Chlorite-sericite schists Chlorite-sericite schists
Metasiltstones, metasandstones and metaconglomerates Metasiltstones, metasandstones and metaconglomerates
Metatuffs with minor greenschists Metatuffs with minor greenschists
Boundary of Ethiopia (8)
River (10)
Water area (11)