| Biotite to amphibole-biotite granites to granodiorites |
| Alluvial sediments |
| Biotite migmatites |
| Metadiorites, metatonalites, metagabbros and metaperidotites |
| Greenschists and amphibolites with minor serpentinized peridotites |
| Biotite gneisses with minor amphibolites |
| Biotite paragneisses with amphibolites, calc-silicate rocks, marbles and mica-schists |
| Basalt to trachyte lavas and volcaniclastic deposits |
| Granulites and minor (ultra)mafic rocks |
| Eolian sediments |
| Migmatized biotite paragneisses |
| Fluvial sediments |
| Marbles and calc-silicate rocks |
| Evaporites (gypsum) |
| Serpentinized peridotites |
| Sandstones |
| Talc and actinolite schists, metabasites and serpentinites |
| Basalt to trachyte lavas and volcaniclastic deposits |
| Basalt to trachybasalt lavas and volcaniclastic deposits |
| Volcaniclastic deposits, alluvial and lacustrine sediments |
| Basalt and alkali basalt lavas and volcaniclastic deposits |
| Basalt to trachyte lavas and volcaniclastic deposits |
| Trachyte to rhyolite lavas and felsic volcaniclastic deposits |
| Mica-schists with minor amphibolites and gneisses |
| Alluvial sediments |
| Marlstones, shales |
| Migmatized orthogneisses |
| Porphyritic biotite granites |
| Limestones interbedded with shales and sandstones |
| Leucocratic migmatites |
| Limestones |
| Lacustrine sediments |
| Diorites and gabbros |
| Biotite to amphibole-biotite tonalites |
| Leucocratic coarse-grained granites |
| Limestones, minor marlstones, sandstones, evaporites (gypsum) |
| Evaporites (gypsum), limestones, dolostones, marlstones |
| Biotite to amphibole-biotite syenites |
| Rhyolitic to trachytic volcaniclastic deposits with subordinate felsic lavas |
| Sandstones |
| Metagranites and orthogneisses |
| Trachyte to trachybasalt lavas with subordinate volcaniclastic deposits |
| Basalt lavas and volcaniclastic deposits |
| Sandstones, minor conglomerates, siltstones |
| Sandstones, diamictites |
| Rhyolite to trachyte lavas and volcaniclastic deposits |
| Rhyolitic to trachytic volcaniclastic deposits |
| Evaporites (gypsum, anhydrite), chert |
| Rhyolitic volcaniclastic deposits with subordinate trachyte to basalt lavas |
| Rhyolite lavas, subordinate trachyte lava and volcaniclastic deposits |
| Basalt lavas with rare intercalations of rhyolites and pyroclastic rocks |
| Limestones |
| Alluvial, lacustrine sediments and volcaniclastic deposits |
| Evaporites (gypsum), sandstones |
| Trachyte, alkali basalt, with subordinate rhyolite lavas and volcaniclastic deposits |
| Limestones, marlstones |
| Rhyolitic volcaniclastic deposits, scarce rhyolite and basalt lavas |
| Basalt, picrite and trachyte lavas and volcaniclastic deposits |
| Metavolcanosedimentary sequences (undifferentiated) |
| Limestones |
| Trachyte to alkali basalt lavas and volcaniclastic deposits |
| Rhyolitic to trachytic volcaniclastic deposits, with subordinate rhyolites |
| Sandstones interbedded with evaporites and carbonates |
| Phyllites and graphitic schists |
| Basalt, picritic basalt, alkaline basalt lavas and volcaniclastic deposits |
| Rhyolite, trachyte lavas and volcaniclastic deposits |
| Undifferentiated mafic and felsic lavas and volcaniclastic deposits |
| Limestones |
| Basalt lavas, hyaloclastite deposits |
| Metavolcanites (undifferentiated) |
| Peralkaline granites and syenites |
| Fluvial and lacustrine sediments with intercalations of basalt or rhyolite lavas and volcaniclastic deposits |
| Limestones and dolomitic limestones |
| Intermediate to felsic metavolcanites (undifferentiated) |
| Conglomerates, sandstones and volcaniclastic deposits |
| Slates interbeded with black and dolomitic limestones |
| Mudstones, shales |
| Phyllites, metagraywackes and metaconglomerates |
| Chlorite-sericite schists |
| Metasiltstones, metasandstones and metaconglomerates |
| Metatuffs with minor greenschists |