Spring (2)
| 0,05-0,5; 0.05 - 0.5 |
| 0,5-5; 0.5 - 5 |
| >5 |
Borehole (3)
| Borehole not tested |
| 0.05 - 0.5 |
| 0.5 - 5 |
| >5 |
Dug well (4)
Climatic station (5)
Lake staff gauge (6)
Groundwater flow direction (7)
| Deep |
| Shalow |
Basin surface water divide (8)
| Main basin |
| Sub basin |
Fault (9)
| Normal fault evident |
| Normal fault supposed |
| Normal fault obscured |
| Mylonitization |
| Caldera evident |
| Caldera supposed |
Lithological boundary (12)
| Supposed boundary |
| Verified boundary |
Lithology type (14)
| Metamorphic rocks (schist and gneiss) |
| Fluvial, alluvial, colluvial, lacustrine and polygenetic sediments |
| Sandstone |
| Basaltic volcanic rocks |
| Obsidian |
| Ignimbrite |
| Rhyolite |
| Trachyte |
| Pyroclastic rocks |
| Granite and granodiorite |
| Gabbro |
Shallow aquifer (13)
Aquifer type (15)
| Moderately productive regional aquifers – T (1–10] m2/d, q (0.01–1] l/s.m, Q (0.5–5] l/s for wells and/or springs – or locally highly productive aquifers in which flow is mainly intergranular |
| Moderately productive regional aquifers – T (1–10] m2/d, q (0.01–1] l/s.m, Q (0.5–5] l/s for wells and/or springs – or locally highly productive aquifers in which flow is mainly through regularly developed system of fissures and joints of sedimentary and volcanic rocks |
| Low productive fissured regional aquifers – T [0.1–1] m2/d, q [0.001–0.01] l/s.m, Q [0.05–0.5] l/s for wells and/or springs – in which flow is mainly developed in irregular system of fissures and weathered mantle of metamorphic and igneous rocks – hard rocks |
| Aquitards – Minor aquifers with local and limited groundwater resources – T < 0.1m2/d, q < 0.001 l/s.m, Q < 0.05 l/s |
| Limited aquifers in unconsolidated material of eluvial character (regolith) with shallow groundwater for local use providing variable amount of groundwater based on thickness of aquifers and local recharge values |
Boundary of maped area (17)
River (18)
Water area (16)
| Lake |
| Wetland |