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Legend (Projekty/e100k_g)

Landslide (direction) (0)
Tectonic – Linear structures (1)
Fault dip Fault dip
Magmatic foliation; Metamorphic foliation Magmatic foliation; Metamorphic foliation
Tectonic – Planar structures (2)
Bedding Bedding
Magmatic foliation Magmatic foliation
Metamorphic foliation Metamorphic foliation
Other point mark (3)
Active quarry Active quarry
Thermal spring Thermal spring
Volcanic crater Volcanic crater
Spring (4)
Approximate geochronological age (5)
Alluvial fan (6)
Fault (7)
Caldera evident Caldera evident
Caldera supposed Caldera supposed
Mylonitization Mylonitization
Normal fault evident Normal fault evident
Normal fault obscured Normal fault obscured
Normal fault supposed Normal fault supposed
Landslide area (8)
Lithological boundary (9)
Supposed boundary Supposed boundary
Verified boundary Verified boundary
Regolith (deeply weathered rock) (10)
Lithology (16)
Alluvial fan deposits Alluvial fan deposits
Alkali basalt to trachybasalt lava and basaltic volcaniclastic deposits Alkali basalt to trachybasalt lava and basaltic volcaniclastic deposits
Basalt to trachybasalt lava with subordinate basaltic volcaniclastic deposits Basalt to trachybasalt lava with subordinate basaltic volcaniclastic deposits
Alluvial fan deposits Alluvial fan deposits
Fluvial sediments Fluvial sediments
Colluvial sediments Colluvial sediments
Biotite to amphibole-biotite orthogneiss Biotite to amphibole-biotite orthogneiss
Lacustrine sediments Lacustrine sediments
Colluvial to alluvial sediments Colluvial to alluvial sediments
Polygenetic sediments (volcaniclastics, alluvial and lacustrine sediments) Polygenetic sediments (volcaniclastics, alluvial and lacustrine sediments)
Migmatite and migmatized biotite paragneiss Migmatite and migmatized biotite paragneiss
Amphibolite Amphibolite
Biotite and amphibole-biotite granodiorite to tonalite Biotite and amphibole-biotite granodiorite to tonalite
Amphibole-biotite to amphibole gabbro Amphibole-biotite to amphibole gabbro
Rhyolitic ignimbrite with subordinate rhyolite lava Rhyolitic ignimbrite with subordinate rhyolite lava
Trachyte with subordinate trachyte volcaniclastic deposits Trachyte with subordinate trachyte volcaniclastic deposits
Biotite to muscovite-biotite paragneiss Biotite to muscovite-biotite paragneiss
Rhyolite lava with subordinate volcanic breccia and ignimbrite Rhyolite lava with subordinate volcanic breccia and ignimbrite
Trachyte to trachybasalt Trachyte to trachybasalt
Aplite and pegmatite Aplite and pegmatite
Quartz vein Quartz vein
Sandstone Sandstone
Trachyte to trachybasalt lava Trachyte to trachybasalt lava
Trachybasalt lava and volcaniclastic deposits Trachybasalt lava and volcaniclastic deposits
Basalt lava and basaltic volcaniclastic deposits Basalt lava and basaltic volcaniclastic deposits
Colluvial to alluvial sediments Colluvial to alluvial sediments
Muscovite-biotite granite Muscovite-biotite granite
Basalt to trachybasalt Basalt to trachybasalt
Tachyandesite to trachyte lava and volcaniclastic deposits Tachyandesite to trachyte lava and volcaniclastic deposits
Basaltic lava and autoclastic breccia Basaltic lava and autoclastic breccia
Basalt to basaltic trachyandesite lava and volcaniclastic deposits Basalt to basaltic trachyandesite lava and volcaniclastic deposits
Rhyolitic and trachytic ignimbrite Rhyolitic and trachytic ignimbrite
Rhyolitic ignimbrite with subordinate pyroclastic fall deposits Rhyolitic ignimbrite with subordinate pyroclastic fall deposits
Biotite granodiorite Biotite granodiorite
Serpentinized peridotite and metagabbro Serpentinized peridotite and metagabbro
Welded rhyolitic ignimbrite Welded rhyolitic ignimbrite
Sericite schist Sericite schist
Biotite-muscovite phyllite locally with graphite Biotite-muscovite phyllite locally with graphite
Talc-tremolite and chlorite schist Talc-tremolite and chlorite schist
Pyroclastic fall deposits with subordinate ignimbrite Pyroclastic fall deposits with subordinate ignimbrite
Alkali rhyolite lava and pumice fall deposits Alkali rhyolite lava and pumice fall deposits
Rhyolite to trachyte lava Rhyolite to trachyte lava
Pumice fall and flow deposits with subordinate polygenetic sediments Pumice fall and flow deposits with subordinate polygenetic sediments
Rhyolite and obsidian lava Rhyolite and obsidian lava
Rhyolitic ignimbrite and pyroclastic fall deposits Rhyolitic ignimbrite and pyroclastic fall deposits
Alkaline basalt lava and basaltic volcaniclastic deposits Alkaline basalt lava and basaltic volcaniclastic deposits
Alkali basalt Alkali basalt
Obsidian and rhyolite lava Obsidian and rhyolite lava
Pumice and ash fall deposits Pumice and ash fall deposits
Pyroclastic fall deposits with subordinate rhyolitic ignimbrite Pyroclastic fall deposits with subordinate rhyolitic ignimbrite
Welded to unwelded rhyolitic ignimbrite with subordinate pyroclastic fall deposits Welded to unwelded rhyolitic ignimbrite with subordinate pyroclastic fall deposits
Boundary of maped area (13)
River (14)
Perennial Perennial
Seasonal Seasonal
Vadi Vadi
Water area (15)
Lake Lake
Wetland Wetland