| Alluvial fan deposits |
| Alkali basalt to trachybasalt lava and basaltic volcaniclastic deposits |
| Basalt to trachybasalt lava with subordinate basaltic volcaniclastic deposits |
| Alluvial fan deposits |
| Fluvial sediments |
| Colluvial sediments |
| Biotite to amphibole-biotite orthogneiss |
| Lacustrine sediments |
| Colluvial to alluvial sediments |
| Polygenetic sediments (volcaniclastics, alluvial and lacustrine sediments) |
| Migmatite and migmatized biotite paragneiss |
| Amphibolite |
| Biotite and amphibole-biotite granodiorite to tonalite |
| Amphibole-biotite to amphibole gabbro |
| Rhyolitic ignimbrite with subordinate rhyolite lava |
| Trachyte with subordinate trachyte volcaniclastic deposits |
| Biotite to muscovite-biotite paragneiss |
| Rhyolite lava with subordinate volcanic breccia and ignimbrite |
| Trachyte to trachybasalt |
| Aplite and pegmatite |
| Quartz vein |
| Sandstone |
| Trachyte to trachybasalt lava |
| Trachybasalt lava and volcaniclastic deposits |
| Basalt lava and basaltic volcaniclastic deposits |
| Colluvial to alluvial sediments |
| Muscovite-biotite granite |
| Basalt to trachybasalt |
| Tachyandesite to trachyte lava and volcaniclastic deposits |
| Basaltic lava and autoclastic breccia |
| Basalt to basaltic trachyandesite lava and volcaniclastic deposits |
| Rhyolitic and trachytic ignimbrite |
| Rhyolitic ignimbrite with subordinate pyroclastic fall deposits |
| Biotite granodiorite |
| Serpentinized peridotite and metagabbro |
| Welded rhyolitic ignimbrite |
| Sericite schist |
| Biotite-muscovite phyllite locally with graphite |
| Talc-tremolite and chlorite schist |
| Pyroclastic fall deposits with subordinate ignimbrite |
| Alkali rhyolite lava and pumice fall deposits |
| Rhyolite to trachyte lava |
| Pumice fall and flow deposits with subordinate polygenetic sediments |
| Rhyolite and obsidian lava |
| Rhyolitic ignimbrite and pyroclastic fall deposits |
| Alkaline basalt lava and basaltic volcaniclastic deposits |
| Alkali basalt |
| Obsidian and rhyolite lava |
| Pumice and ash fall deposits |
| Pyroclastic fall deposits with subordinate rhyolitic ignimbrite |
| Welded to unwelded rhyolitic ignimbrite with subordinate pyroclastic fall deposits |