Value: approximate zircon or monazite isotopic age of intrusive rock in millions of years Label: approximate zircon or monazite isotopic age of intrusive rock in millions of years Description: Symbol:
Value: approximate zircon or monazite isotopic age of thermotectonic metamorphic event in millions of years Label: approximate zircon or monazite isotopic age of thermotectonic metamorphic event in millions of years Description: Symbol:
Value: hlavní násunový (příkrovový) zlom známý, hlavní násunová (smyková) zóna známá Label: observed major (nappe) thrust, observed major shear zone Description: Symbol:
Value: smyková zóna neurčitého ohraničení se silnou mylonitizací Label: shear zone of indefinite boundary with strong mylonitization Description: Symbol:
Value: 241 Label: mica schists and gneisses of garnet and staurolite grade, and gneisses with kyanite (± sillimanite) in high pressure to extremely high pressure crystalline complexes Description: gm Symbol:
Value: 54 Label: slightly consolidated calcareous clays, minor diatomaceous earth, sands, and gravel (marine facies) in the foredeep, including Upper Ottnagian in the Alpine area Description: fk Symbol:
Value: 207 Label: biotite and locally two-mica gneiss, with minor interbeddigs of quartzite, conglomerate, marble, and various metavolcanics Description: gD Symbol:
Value: 11 Label: olivine-basalt volcaniclastics (predominantly redeposited autoclastics, and some epiclastics and pyroclastics from earlier effusions in the Central Bohemian Mountains) Description: ab1 Symbol:
Value: 255 Label: amphibole-biotite and biotite-amphibole gneisses, amphibolite-gneissic stromatolites, and gneisses with numerous thin intercalations of amphibolite Description: gh Symbol:
Value: 9 Label: basaltic volcaniclastics (mostly redeposited pyroclastics of younger basaltic rocks in the České středohoří Mts) Description: pb2 Symbol: